
Showing posts from February, 2021

Configure SNMP - Juniper

## CLI mode  edit snmp set location "DC Location" set contact "IT Dept" set community junossnmp authorization read-only set community junossnmp clients set trap-group snmpcoba version v2 set trap-group snmpcoba categories chassis set trap-group snmpcoba categories link set trap-group snmpcoba targets ## Note < SNMP Server >

Export Security Policy Rule

## From CLI : > set cli config-output-format set ## From the configure mode: # show rulebase security rules  # show rulebase (to view other policies).

L2 Routing

  ## Topology ## Zones ## Interface Management ( MGMT )  ## VLANs ## VLAN Interface                vlan.10 ( Internet Zones )               Config                              IPv4               Advanced >  Management Profile             vlan.797 ( Internal/LAN Zones )             Config               IPv4                Advanced >  Management Profile ### Ethernet Interface ### Virtual Router ( VR ) ## Security Policy ## NAT                     NAT Policy Rule                    Translate Packet ## Commit

Interface Flapping

## Check CLI mode show arp all ( eventid eq link-change ) and ( object eq 'ethernet1/11' ) show interface ethernet1/11 | match link show log system query equal "( eventid eq link-change ) and ( object eq 'ethernet1/11' )" direction equal backward show log system direction equal backward show interface ethernet 1/11 state filter sys.s1.* | match crc ## Check media Interfaces show system state filter sys.s1.p*.phy

How restart management services on Palo Alto

### PAN-OS 6 debug software restart management-server ### PAN-OS 7 / 8 debug software restart process management-server show system resources | match mgmt

Clear Disk-Space - Palo Alto

## CLI mode show system disk-space delete core management-plane file sslvpn_7.1.10_0.tar.gz > delete debug-log ? > delete debug-log mp-log file *.1 > delete debug-log mp-log file *.2 > delete debug-log mp-log file *.3 > delete debug-log mp-log file *.4 > delete debug-log mp-log file *.old > delete content cache old-content > delete anti-virus update  ## Others > delete debug-log mp-log file *.old > delete debug-log mp-log file *.log.1 > delete debug-log mp-log file *.log.2 > delete debug-log mp-log file *.log.3 > delete debug-log mp-log file *.log.4 > delete debug-log dp0-log file *.old > delete debug-log dp0-log file *.log.1 > delete debug-log dp0-log file *.log.2 > delete debug-log dp0-log file *.log.3 > delete debug-log dp0-log file *.log.4 > delete debug-log dp1-log file *.old > delete debug-log dp1-log file *.log.1 > delete debug-log dp1-log file *.log.2 > delete debug-log dp1-log file *.log.3 > delete debug-log

Configure Access Point Wing - Extreme

  Jangan lupa “COMMIT AND SAVE” Jangan Lupa di commit dan save

How to Backup & Restore config file UCS - F5

### Backup Login ke Dashboard Management F5 Pilih System Archives  Create System > Archives > Create Pada File Name : ( isikan file nama backup yang kita inginkan ) Klik Finished Berikut Proses notifikasi Loading.. dimana proses backup sedalam berjalan Hasil Proses backup sudah selesai, silahkan klik OK. Berikut hasil file yang tadi sudah di buat sebelumnya. Hasil file backup yang sudah di buat dapat di download atau di save ke local computer. Klik Download file backup Berikut adalah hasil file backup yang akan di download, kilk OK ### Restore Bagian 1 : Dimana restore file backup, di upload dari local computer ke arah f5.  Login ke Dashboard Management F5 Pilih System Archives Upload ( masukan file backup yang akan di upload ) Cara Restore file backup ucs F5 : Bagian 2 : Dimana restore file backup, langsund dari storage local F5. Pilih System Archives (Nama File backup yang di tuju ) dalam case ini adalah F5-BC-28-6-2019.ucs Klik restore  Tambahan Informasi : Proses Restore mema

How to Download vSZ Image

  Buka browser lalu ketikan dan login. Setelah login pilih download. Pilih “choose A Prodcut” dan pililah vSZ. Silahkan pilih vSZ sesuai hypervisor vm dan versi yang di inginkan. Silahkan lakukan download. Cara Extract vSZ Image. File vSZ yang sudah di download copy ke KVM. Buka Terminal windows dan ketikan ini : chmod +x { file name of the controller QCOW bin } Ketikan “yes” Setelah selesai saatnya setting vSZ-nya. Cara Setting vSZ Buka Virtual Machine. Import / create vSZ Image. Berikan nama untuk vSZ Setting RAM dan CPU dan masukan RAM 14336 dan CPU minimal 2

How to Install & Configure vSZ Ruckus on KVM Hypervisor

  Login ke console dan masukan User name : admin Password : admin Ketik “enable/en” dan password “admin” kemudian ketikan “setup” dan pilih vSZ Profile 2 = High Scale Setting IP Pilih 1. IPv4 Only. Setting IP Pilih Manual Setting IP IP Address = Netmask = Gateway = Primary DNS = Buka Browser dan ketik = Isi controller name “INH-VSZ-CTL” dan teruskan dan checklist AP Conversion. 6. masukan password sesuai yang di inginkan. Proses installasi vSZ sedang berjalan hingga 15-20 menitan. Proses installasi selesai. Setelah selesai buka kembali browser dan ketikan “ Bikin Domain “WIFI RIZKI” Bikin zone “Kantor Pusat” di dalam Domain “Masukan Nama yang di ingikan” Pindahkan Posisi semua AP yang ada di staging zone ke Zone “Kantor Pusat” Bikin RADIUS NPS Name “WIFI RIZKI RADIUS” Type RADIUS IP Address = Shared Secret = ruckus12345 Confirm Secret = ruckus12345